Check out the great state of Colorado at 7:20 this morning, September 20, 2021. Like the National Weather Service said, 'It's not much but we'll take it." Are you ready for snow?

You're looking at Rabbit Ears Pass, the 28th steepest pass in the state, roughly 21 miles southeast of Steamboat Springs, Colorado, on Highway 40. The pass sits at an elevation of 9,426 feet.

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Amazing Part of the County

I just drove this very road barely a month ago. With the closure of I-70, my party opted to conduct a test during a drive to Red Rocks. We drove Highway 50 to Gunnison then over to the Denver area for the trip over, and then returned via I-70 to Silverthorne, and then Highway 40 to Steamboat Springs.

Rabbit Ears Pass Colorado Map
Google Maps

What is This Region Normally Like?

I think you'll agree this is a magnificent part of the state. Regardless of the time of year, you'll love the scenery. According to Wikipedia:

The climate of Rabbit Ears Pass is generally semi-arid to humid. Vegetation consists mostly of pine, spruce, and aspen trees. Sagebrush grows on the Niobrara, Pierre and Coalmount formations.

You Know How Colorado Can Be

Looking at the image captured at 7:20, I felt it safe to assume the snow would be gone within an hour. This is Colorado after all. Well, taking a look at it two hours later, it seems as if the snow may linger a bit. This image was captured this morning at 9:10.

Rabbit Ears Pass Colorado Monday Sept 20 910 a.m.

Looking at the forecast for Rabbit Ears Pass for today, Monday, September 20, the National Weather Service predicts a 20-percent chance of snow before noon, with a high of 43.

Turning the Corner in Colorado

A friend of mine said to me yesterday, "Well, I think we've just turned the corner." Here in Grand Junction, we're looking at a high today of 70. The forecast for the week has our highest temperature at 86.

15 Best Small Towns in Colorado to Visit

Whether they might be ski towns, old mining towns, or towns known for their hot springs, Colorado has no shortage of great small towns. I've lived in four very different parts of Colorado in my 34 years on this planet, (Eagle, Pueblo, Fort Collins, and Grand Junction,) and have traveled all over the state.

However, The Crazy Tourist's list of the 15 best small towns to visit in Colorado actually features some towns that I've never been to.

According to The Crazy Tourist, these are the 15 best small towns to visit in Colorado.

Colorado Town Names Even Life-Long Coloradans Can't Pronounce

Highest Elevated Towns In Colorado

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