Picture yourself behind the wheel of a race car speeding through corners and down the straightway. Who are we kidding, that's how you normally drive, right?!

In Colorado, speed limits are just suggestions. Blinkers are broken. Passing someone can be done in any lane. These daily driving habits should convert directly to go-kart racing.

Read More: Life-Long Coloradans Have Never Done At Least One of These Things

Living every day as if you were participating in a real-life Mario Kart race shouldn't be done on the open road. That's why we will steer you to some of Colorado's best go-kart tracks.

Go-Karting in Colorado is Fun No Matter What Your Age

I don't care how old I get, I'll always enjoy driving a go-kart.

I'm a fairly sensible driver most days (if you ask my wife, she'll say I drive like an old man.) When I get to the go-kart track, something switches in me. I'm out for blood. Rubbing is racing, right?!

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I won't run you off the track, but I'll put a bit of pressure on you so you make a mistake I'm in it to win it. Even if there isn't a prize, I'll enjoy the bragging rights.

Let's meet at the nearest track if you're ready to race, drive hard, and cut the inside line.

Feel the Need for Speed at These Colorado Go-Kart Tracks

Whether you are looking for some fun golf-karting for the kids or you want to do some serious racing yourself, there are plenty of places you can do that in Colorado. Scroll down for a look at 17 places in Colorado where you can enjoy some incredible go-karting fun.

10 Common Traffic Violations You Might Not Know About in Colorado

Here is a look at some common traffic violations we see here in Colorado - and some things that you may not have known about driving laws in Colorado.

Colorado Towns and Counties That Allow ATVs/OHVs on Their Roads

Off-road vehicles are a popular pastime in Colorado. Some towns even allow them to travel on their roads. There are, however, certain guidelines to follow.

Here's a breakdown of the towns and counties that allow ATVs/OHVs on their roads.

These are just summaries, and you should check the location's individual rules and restrictions before you go.

Gallery Credit: Tim Gray

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