Minimize Frustration: Discover Best Way to Mount A Big Screen TV
Mounting a big screen TV on the wall shouldn't be extremely difficult, but as it turns out it's harder than it looks and be a very frustrating experience.
Recently our 55-inch TV bit the dust which necessitated getting a replacement. It wasn't the plan to get one so large, but, these things just have a way of happening - and then things get complicated.
I have put wall mounts for televisions up before, but never for a 70-inch TV. That is a little more complicated because it involves finding two studs in the wall, figuring how to put the mount together, and making sure the mount is level. Once you get that far, getting the TV up on the wall is definitely a two-person job.
It Shouldn't Be Difficult
It shouldn't be that difficult. Right? After all, step-by-step instructions are included with the mount and should be pretty simple to follow. Right? Well, that's what I thought, but I was sadly mistaken.
Failed Attempt
To my credit, I attempted to mount the new television myself. I went as far as getting my tools out, laying out all the hardware, and, reading the instructions - several times. Here's the problem. Nowadays when you have to put something together, the instructions are mostly nothing but a diagram and sketches you have to try and interpret. What would be so wrong with putting the directions into words that I can read and understand - along with the pictures?

The Solution
The experience was completely frustrating to me - and so rather than risk the possible destruction of my new investment with an improperly mounted television, I decided to invest $79 to have a professional do the job. I can tell you right now, that was the best $79 I've spent in a long time. In one hour, the TV was up - my frustration was gone, and we were watching an episode of Hot Bench.
Let me be clear. The best way to mount a big screen TV is to let a professional do the work. Here's a closer look at my frustrating experience of trying to mount a television on the wall without decent instructions.
Best Way To Properly Mount A Big Screen TV
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