View the 4th of July Independence Monument Climb
Each 4th of July the Mesa County Sheriff's Office Technical Rescue Team conducts their climb up Independence Monument. Upon reaching the top, they raise the American Flag in honor of Independence Day. Where can you go to watch this event?
This year the all-volunteer group will include four guest climbers, two of which are active duty Marines.
In addition to raising the flag and celebrating our independence, the climb will raise funds for the technical rescue team.
This climb up Independence Monument is always an awesome spectacle. Where can you go to watch?
Make your way to the Book Cliffs View Point near the Visitor's Center. You can also see it from the Independence Monument View Point.
The climb will be conducted around 11 a.m. The Mesa County Sheriff's Office Technical Rescue Team recommends you be there by 10 a.m. It has happened; the rescue team has reached the top early. Let's face it, they're good.
Besides celebrating our nation's independence, this will also raise money for the technical rescue team. #FourthofJuly Colorado National Monument
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