Recently Colorado made news by eschewing the Electoral College in favor of the popular vote to decide the presidential elections.

But not all in Colorado agree with this idea and so are gathering signatures to have that reversed.

The group, called Coloradans Vote have over 100,000 signatures so far and only need a little less than 25,000 signatures to get it on the ballot. A similar attempt in the state of Washington was only able to get 300 signatures, but apparently, in Colorado, this is more of a hot button issue.

Their website,, is now hoping to gather over 200,000 signatures to signal to the state's elected officials that there are people they need to listen to.

Until the effort at making the popular vote the ultimate decider in presidential elections gain 270 of the 538 electoral college votes, presidential elections will continue to be decided by the Electoral College. Thus far the states that have agreed to go to a popular vote have a total of 189 electoral college votes. Oregon, who just ratified the movement themselves will add seven to that total.

The movement within Colorado has until August to get enough signatures to place it on the ballot.

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