Grand Junction’s Central High School Unveils New Logo
For months we have been wondering what was going to happen to the Central Warriors mascot and now we know.
Colorado Governor Bans Indian Mascots
Last summer, Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed legislation banning Native American Mascots in public schools. Schools were given a deadline of June 1, 2022 to make changes to Native American portrayals or face a $25,000 monthly fine.

What the Bill Says
Senate Bill 21-116 prohibits public schools from using American Indian mascots after June 1 of this year. The exceptions are schools that have an agreement with a federally recognized tribe or schools operated by a tribe.
"Every school that is required to come into compliance with SB21-116..... will discontinue the use of an American Indian mascot, which is defined by SB21-116 as “a name, symbol, or image that depicts or refers to an American Indian tribe, individual, custom, or tradition that is used as a mascot, nickname, logo, letterhead, or team name for the school,” and share whether a replacement mascot has been selected." - Senate Bil 21-116
Central High School Unveils New Logo
Central High School in Grand Junction unveiled its new logo at a school assembly in the school gymnasium. What we learned is that the Warrior name is not going away - just the Indian mascot representation of the mascot. As you can see in the photo, it's still going to be the Central Warriors. The new logo illustrates a warrior shield covered by a large letter "C". You can see the unveiling of the logo in the video at the bottom of this post.
Colorado Schools With American Indian Mascots
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