Behind The Scenes At The Grand Junction Air Show
Despite the lack of cooperation with the weather and one day postponed, the Grand Junction Air Show was a huge hit.
Our colleague, Keyes, from our sister station KEKB was fortunate to ride along with the Air Force Thunderbirds. And I was lucky enough to be there for it.
If you haven't seen the footage of this remarkable ride, check it out. But I thought you would like to see all of the things that go on behind the scenes to get someone ready for a once in a lifetime trip like this.
When we first arrived, we were greeted by the ground crew that was tasked to get our guy ready. In order to make it through the flight, Keyes had to learn a few "tricks of the trade" such as breathing and body alignment.
In addition, the suit he had to wear is what is known as a G-suit component, which, when certain G forces are reached will inflate, keeping the blood from moving into the feet. The breathing exercises are designed to make sure your lungs fill with air while the maneuver is taking place. One sure way to black out is to not have any air.
Then, once all of the flight suit fitting and breathing was done, it was off to the flight line. The crew stood to wait for our guy and his pilot, Lt. Col Kevin Walsh (aka Lowen) to arrive, then pre-flight checks, and getting Keyes into the jet. Once those were all accomplished, the video will show you the rest.
I am grateful to the United States Air Force for allowing us to take part in this year's Air Show. Getting up close to an F-16 was pretty cool.
Bonus Video: