Add These Colorado Rivers to Your Totally Tubular Summer List
Who's ready to get their float on?
Summers are almost always spent near or in some sort of water. As a kid we were always at the pool, swimming in the creek by our house, or setting up the sprinkler underneath the trampoline to "help" dad water the lawn. The easiest way to have fun and stay cool during these hot months is with water.
For many that mean floating the river.
If you have never floated a river before, it's pretty fun and relaxing. All you need to do is grab an innertube, some good friends, and pack up a cooler. Oh, and don't forget the sunscreen. Nothing puts a damper on the who river floating experience than a burnt-to-a-crisp body. I also recommend you wear some good water shoes.
Once you get to the river, just tie everyone's innertube to one another and use an extra tube for your cooler. And don't forget to bring a trash bag for empty cans and whatnot. #LeaveNoTrace. Then just get in the water, get everyone on their tubes, and float on.
I feel more relaxed just thinking about it.
Recently, Out There Colorado compiled a list of the five best places to go tubing in Colorado. One of them is in Fort Collins so we won't have to go too far for that one. Although we weren't number one on their list, we won't get too upset about it. However, it may be worth adding the others to your list.
Here's what they chose:
1. Clear Creek in Golden
2. Yampa River in Steamboat Springs
3. San Juan River in Pagosa Springs
4. Poudre River in Fort Collins
5. South Platte River in Denver