Apparently it is okay to eat food that's been dropped on the floor, the five second rule is not a myth. So,  yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus and there is a 5-second rule.

From time to time we all drop food on the floor accidentally - a potato chip, a cookie,  a pretzel, an M & M. But, how many of us will then pick it up and eat it?

I have to confess, I have long been a believer in the five-second rule, depending, of course, on the exact location of the food droppage. But, generally, especially in my own home or car I feel pretty good about it.

Turns out, I'm okay. Researchers have found that as long as you pick the food up within five or six seconds you're probably okay. The study at Aston University found that carpet transfers the least amount of bacteria to your food,while laminate and tile surfaces transfer the most.

What a relief to know that all the food I've eaten off the floor for the last several decades isn't going to kill me.  It's not like I'm eating my entire dinner off the floor, but, stuff happens- and I hate to see a couple of tasty Frito chips go to waste. Of course, at our house, we have the three-second rule. If you don't pick it up within three seconds the dogs will.

According to the report, 87% of people will eat food that has been dropped on the floor, and women are more likely to do it than men. What about you? Take our poll below and tell us if you are inclined to pick up a morsel from the floor and pop it in your mouth.

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