Will Grand Valley Weather History Repeat Itself?
We are less than a month away from spring and it feels like the warmer temperatures are way overdue. But, are they really coming?
When Punxatawney Phil didn't see his shadow on Groundhog Day, I had the delusion that we truly would get an early spring. Here in the Grand Valley, regardless of what the groundhog says, I have come to expect by mid-February to be at the driving range hitting balls. Not this year. Not even close.
After hitting the 50s right after Groundhog Day, five of the next 6 February days were in the 30s. After that, 7 of the next 14 days were either in the 20s or 30s. Not exactly driving range weather. Only 7 days in the month reached 50 degrees. Last February, on the other hand, was fantastic. We had just one stretch of five days in the 30s,and a whopping 14 days of at least 50 degrees.
This year I've been wondering if it's ever going to warm up, and now comes March. Is this month going to disappoint me the same way February did, or will it be as wonderful as it was a year ago?
Last March brought super nice weather to Grand Junction. Let me refresh your memory.
According to Weather Underground, Grand Junction's coldest high temperature in March 2018 was 43 degrees, and only four times in the entire month did we not at least get into the 50s. A total of 16 days were in the 60s or 70s. That's what I want! 50s in March is good!
I'm not entirely optimistic about this year as it looks like March is starting off on a cool, damp note and temperatures mostly in the 40s. I'm trying to be patient, but my patience is getting very impatient. Regardless of how March starts, I will be hoping and praying that weather history repeats and we will experience a triumphant - and warm-- arrival of spring.
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