When Was the City of Fruita Born?
April is a special month for the city of Fruita.
The city of Fruita was established in 1884, but it wasn't incorporated until April 18, 1894, which means the city is officially celebrating its 126th birthday this year.
According to the Fruita community website, the city was established by William E. Pabor who recognized the fruit-growing potential of the area. It's interesting that when Fruita was founded, there was a provision that prohibited the sale or production of liquor in town. That provision remained in effect until being voted out in the late '70s.
Fruita never grew to be a large city, but it has become a thriving city and is home to three of western Colorado's biggest festivals, Mike the Headless Chicken Days, The Fat Tire Festival, and Fruita Fall Festival.
The city of Fruita is a great part of western Colorado culture and it's a place worth celebrating. Happy Birthday, Fruita. We can't wait to see what the next 100+ years will bring.

How Western Colorado Towns Got Their Names
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