There Were 106 UFO Sightings in Colorado During 2018
Coloradoans certainly had their eyes on the sky in 2018 in search of UFOs.
According to the National UFO Reporting Center, there were no less than 106 UFO sightings in Colorado last year. Ironically, very few of these were on the western slope.
Often times there is a perfectly simple and logical explanation for a UFO sighting, but sometimes it is quite mysterious. Of course, not all UFO sightings get reported, so who knows how many there actually were.
Here is a look at western Colorado UFO sightings that were reported to the NFORC in 2018.
* Grand Junction: March 12, 2018
A "boomerang shaped craft" with bright lights hovered above the Grand Valley
* Gunnison: November 12, 2018
A "rectangular shaped craft" with colored lights hovered and went side to side three nights in a row.
* Montrose County August 12, 2018
A thirteen-year-old looked out his window at about 1:00 in the morning and reported seeing an indescribable shape with indescribable colors
* Cortez: June 9, 2018
A white-blue colored light was reported moving clockwise around the star Arcturus, causing the star to increase in magnitude.
* Grand Junction: May 19, 2018
Nine small, bright orange lights were reported flying over. There was no noise and then they disappeared.
Who knows what's in store for 2019, perhaps a visitation from a faraway galaxy. Keep your eye on the sky, and if you happen to spot a UFO be sure and record your account and report it to the NFORC. You might want to keep a bag of Reese's Pieces in your pocket just in case ET makes a return visit.
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