When I saw the headline 11 Foods That Taste Amazing When They Are Frozen, my heart leaped with excitement for a moment, but my enthusiasm was quickly dampened with the thought that it's likely these foods aren't going to be in the best interest of my health. Upon closer review, I discovered, happily, that not all the foods on the list are bad for me.

The list of foods on yahoo.com  that apparently make delightful frozen snacks included just three that could be considered healthy snacks. It's not a lot, but three is better than none.

The list included such tempting yummies as chocolate chip cookies, chocolate pudding, and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. None of these, I would propose, are bad for you - in moderation. The problem is, when it comes to snacking, how many of us usually  tell moderation to go where the sun doesn't shine and  then we proceed to indulge?

But, thankfully, for those of us who ARE trying to watch what we eat - and I'm not talking about watching it as it goes from our plate to our mouth - there are some good alternatives.

Bananas, grapes, and mangos were on the list of yummy frozen foods. I don't even normally eat these foods, but somehow the idea of trying them frozen is appealing.  It's worth a try. Gummi Bears were also on the list, and although certainly not considered a health food by any means, I can't imagine that Gummi Bears are bad for  you.

The chocolate pudding is actually a great option if you go with the sugar-free, fat-free pudding. That may sound gross, but it's actually very good.

I used to stick miniature marshmallows in the freezer and then snack on them. These probably aren't on the health food list either, but, seriously, what harm could there be in a small handful of marshmallows.

If you have any ideas for good frozen snacks, feel free to share those with us on Facebook below. We'll gladly pass your ideas along to our listeners.



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