The time of year that many of us long for between December and March is finally here. In fact, I love it so much  I'm thinking of pulling out the holiday classic It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year. The snow is gone, the winter inversion is but a distant (albeit bitter) memory, and the chilly wet spring has given way to the hot, dry summer we have come to expect in Western Colorado. Yes, I'm quite happy about it, but, still, recognize the need for precaution.

Excessive exposure to heat is especially dangerous for adults 65 and older,  infants and children, and people with chronic medical conditions. So far, I don't fall into any of those categories, but for those who are I happily pass along some tips from the Mesa County Health Department to help us say safe and healthy during these hot days of summer.

  • Drink plenty of fluids, and wait until you’re thirsty to drink
  •  Avoid beverages containing alcohol or large amounts of sugar
  •  Stay cool by carefully scheduling your time outdoors, resting in the shade, or remaining indoors
  •  Wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothing and plenty of sunscreen
  •  Monitor those at higher risk
  •  Never leave children in cars – even just for a minute
  •  Recognize common signs of heat-related illnesses, including:
    Dizziness, Headache, Nausea, Unconsciousness, Muscle cramps, Skin irritation, and redness.

If you would would like more information you can call the Mesa County Health Department at 248-6900, or visit their website.


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