We have been told that  drinking coffee, among other things, can help prevent breast cancer, prostate cancer, oral cancer, and skin cancer. It's great news if it's true. Now, those of us who are hopelessly addicted to Morning Joe have yet another reason to drink.Our friends at Yahoo are reporting the results of a new study that find that drinking coffee could reduce you chance of getting liver cancer - one of the most common cancers in the world.

How much is enough? The study indicates that 3 cups of coffee a day could reduce your chance of getting liver cancer by 50%.

If it is all true, I am doing myself good. My coffee consumption consists of a couple of cups in the morning, and occasionally one during the day and/or in the evening after dinner. I can't explain why I do it, there just seems to be something very comforting in a cup of hot, black coffee, regardless of whether or not it's full of caffeine or not.

The results of this new study are an encouragement to me that there is some good coming out of all the coffee I drink, besides just the sheer enjoyment of it. I can't say that I'd choose coffee over sex, but it's definitely one of my favorite past times. And now I have yet another good  reason to enjoy another cup.

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