Here’s What Annoys Grand Junction Shoppers At the Grocery Store
Grocery shopping is one of life's necessary evils - along with all of the annoyances that go along with it.
People Are Annoying
Let's face it. Wherever you go there's going to be people, and whenever there are people, they are going to be annoying. The grocery store is certainly no exception and these annoyances can turn a generally unenjoyable task into a completely frustrating experience.
Wider Aisles Would Solve Most of the World's Problems
Annoyances at the grocery store can come from other shoppers - but they can also come from the store itself. Here's something that has bugged me for years with many stores. Narrow aisles. Most of the stuff that people have mentioned in the gallery below would be solved with wider aisles. Wider aisles would solve so many problems in the world today, and would make store employees and shoppers much happier.
These People Are So Annoying
Recently, I asked Grand Junction shoppers to tell us what annoys them at the grocery store. I'm surprised that nobody mentioned how annoying it is when the grocery store is super busy and you have somebody with 200 items in their cart doing self-checkout. Or the person that buys $500 worth of groceries and they have a hundred coupons or more -- and then wait until all of their groceries have been scanned before filling out their check.
Here's What Annoys Grand Junction Shoppers At the Grocery Store
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