Grand Junction Colorado Is Reading These Books Right Now
Are you in the middle of a good book? Would you like to find a great book to read? Book enthusiasts in Grand Junction, Colorado are reading these titles right now.
If you're looking for your next adventure, these books come highly recommended by your friends and neighbors in Grand Junction.

Page Turners In Grand Junction Colorado
I asked on Facebook, "What book are you currently reading." A number of excellent answers came in. It appears as though the book "I Can Bait My Own Hook: True Tales of a FisherMom" is very popular right now. It must be good considering it's packing a perfect 5-star rating on Amazon.
According to a reply by Susan H, the author of this book, C.J. Hoyt, is a local author whose stories are often set on the Western Slope. Amazon.com says, "C.J. Hoyt tells her favorite fishing tales from the heart of the Colorado Rocky Mountains that are guaranteed to have your sides splitting with laughter."
Just like every other angler and fisherman, I have plenty of stories. Some are longer than others and some are funnier than others. I've changed names to protect the embarrassed and hand-picked my favorites to share with you. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed living them." -C.J. Hoyt via Amazon.com
Interesting Thing To Note
Check out the gallery below, and you'll notice the majority of responses involved works of fiction. To me, at least, that's a bit surprising.
Waylon's "Pick O' The Week"
I'm currently reading the autobiography "Up All Night" by late-night television host Rhonda Shear. Seriously, I'm reading the autobiography of Rhonda Shear, former Playboy model, former Miss Louisianna, and former host of the USA Network's late-night show, "Up All Night."
Please stop laughing. It's part of a research project I've been working on for five years. Okay, you're laughing again. Seriously, this is part of a research project.
I'm currently 50 pages into the book, and thus far, it has been 50 pages of Rhonda Shear informing the reader as to how hot she is. You'll not find it in the list of recommendations below.
Grand Junction's Preferred Reading Material
Looking at our replies, it appears as though most are happy with their selected material. Looking at the reviews on some of these titles, it seems most received positive reviews from their readers.
If you're looking for your next selection, might I suggest you begin with the titles below? It seems Colorado readers have found some true gems.