Downtown Grand Junction has experienced a close encounter of the weird kind. For days now, and for hours at a time, Big Bird has been spotted in the area of 10th and Rood.

Do you know this individual? For all we know, this could be the real Big Bird. In either case, Big Bird is walking pretty much in circles around the downtown GJ area.

Hey, that's my shtick.

Walking around aimlessly is my gig. I've been doing it for years. As a matter of fact, I would like to think I've mastered it. Big Bird needs to come up with his own routine.

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How many sightings have there been?

The images come from an anonymous resident of the downtown area. If you check out the website NextDoor, you'll find quite a bit of chatter regarding sightings.

I spent an hour or so yesterday doing my impression of an undercover agent. I parked my inconspicuous vehicle at 10th and Rood and waited for Big Bird to stroll by. After an hour, I decided to give up. My next effort might involve camouflage, binoculars, cameras, and a hideout somewhere in a nearby tree.

What's Big Bird's motivation?

Varied reports on NextDoor state Big Bird walks around the area for up to five hours at a time. What's the agenda? Theories range from:

  • Lost a bet
  • Fundraising
  • Just taking a stroll
  • Can't find Sesame Street
  • Finally, some diversity in GJ!

The search continues.

This has become something of a downtown Grand Junction phenomenon. Sightings have been abundant, but with little in the way of captured images. Is it time to call in the professionals? That might be a bit premature.

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