Days of Sadness, Death of a Thermal Coffee Mug
They say that all good things must end, but I don't understand why that must be.
I thought my thermal coffee mug would last forever. For the past five years it has been with me nearly every single day - day in and day out, week after week, month after month. Rarely, if ever, do I leave home without it.
It's been on the road. It's been on the golf course. It's been in the studio. It's been to church. Pretty much anywhere I have been, my trusted coffee mug has gone with me, providing countless hours of warm pleasure.
This is not just any thermal mug. This is one of those $30 mugs that keeps your drink hot for hours. A high price tag has produced high expectations and this precious thing has never ever let me down - until now.
Typically, I fill the mug with coffee just before 5 am when I head to work. Normally, this cup lasts until about 10:00. But, recently I noticed that by 7:00 in the morning the coffee was only lukewarm. What in the world is going on?? Am I losing my ever-loving mind? Is the world as we know it coming to an end?
I kept thinking it was because I possibly had mixed hot coffee with some cooler leftover coffee resulting in a shorter "stay hot" period. But, day after day it kept happening, and slowly and gradually the realization of reality settled in. My thermal coffee mug had died.
I'm not sure how or why or when it happened. Sure it looks worn on the outside, but the inside looks to be in perfect condition. There doesn't seem to be any logical reason why it would stop keeping my coffee hot. It's completely beyond my human understanding.
Perhaps you have had a similar experience and can provide some insight into this phenomenon. Someone, please explain to me how something so unthinkable and so incomprehensible could occur! How could I not be prepared for such a tragedy?
I may not understand this blow that has been dealt me by life's bitter hand, but I have no choice but to carry on. But, how can you move on and forget something that has been with you every single day for five solid years? How can you just cast it away like some empty bottle of ranch dressing, and with it all of those precious memories?
Oh, I know time heals all wounds. I just have to be patient with myself and allow the grieving process to play out. In time, the pain will soften while the memories of delicious hot early morning coffee linger. Eventually, I will be free to warm up to another thermal mug, the sadness will leave, and life will be good again.
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