Credit Card Parking Comes to Downtown Grand Junction
The age of technology has finally made its mark on how people pay for parking in downtown Grand Junction.
As of Monday, parkers in downtown Grand Junction can pay for their parking time with a credit card via the Passport Parking app from the iPhone App Store, or Android Google Play.
With the app you can pay for your parking, monitor you parking session and add time to your meter, and view parking history.
The new pay for parking system is a one-year pilot program, so it may or may not be a permanent thing. If you don't have a smart phone, or don't like the idea of using a credit card, you can relax. All the meters downtown - and in the parking lot, will still accept your coins.
Seems like a great idea to me. I can't tell you how many times I have been downtown and found myself without a bit of change. While I might prefer to pay with a quarter, the phone app is free, so I might as well download and have it so the next time I need to park and can't pay -- I have myself covered!
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