Downtown Grand Junction Business Helps Another Local Business
Many local businesses are struggling to stay open amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, we've seen many businesses in the Grand Valley close because of it but, we've also seen the community rise up and support them in any way they can.

We love to see local businesses supporting each other and that's exactly what Triple Play Records and the Mesa Putting League did for the Mesa Theater.
The Mesa Putting League is a disc golf group in Grand Junction that started four or five years ago. According to the owner of Triple Play records, the Mesa Theater hosts it during the winter months.
Triple Play Records started the Disc Return Program about 3 or 4 years ago. If someone finds a disc with someone else's name on it and returns it to Triple Play, they give them $2 credit and return the disc to the owner.
The owner of Triple Play Records says that the disc return program was more about doing the right thing than about the money. They were forced to close in April due to the pandemic and when they reopened in May they were really busy.
Since business took off that month, they decided that every month they'd take the money from the disc golf return program and donate it. They've donated to numerous different charities in the Grand Valley whose mission is feeding hungry people including Agape Food Bank, Catholic Outreach, and more.
They knew their neighbors at the Mesa Theater were struggling so they decided to take the money from the program and help them. Triple Play Records was able to give $600 to their neighbors at the Mesa Theater by raising money through their Disc Return Program and the Mesa Putting League.
The owner of Triple Play feels grateful to have a successful business in the town he grew up in. He can't imagine not giving back to the community that's supported him for the last 33 years.
NEXT: This is How You Know You're From Grand Junction
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