Counterfeit Cash: Almost $2,000 Found at Colorado Mesa University
Almost $2,000 has been found at Colorado Mesa University, except it's all fake. The counterfeit cash was found in the bushes outside of Bunting Hall at CMU in Grand Junction.
According to KREX, two people found almost $2,000 in some bushes outside of Bunting Hall on Tuesday. This could've been a terrible day for the person who lost the money -- except it's all fake.
Every single dollar making up almost two grand -- all counterfeit. There were different bills, but you can clearly see how fake they look below. According to KREX, there are a few key features that clearly show that this money is counterfeit such as the Asian markings.
These bills from Colorado Mesa University look eerily familiar to counterfeit money that was found around Grand Junction last summer. I wonder if this counterfeit cash found at CMU is a prop, or maybe it was a prank to see if whoever found it would buy it and try to take it/use the money.
According to KREX, the police are classifying this money as lost property.