Could Wine and Weed Tours Be Coming to the Grand Valley?
Could wine and weed tours become a reality in the Grand Valley?
There was a time when a question about wine and weed tours in western Colorado sounded preposterous, but suddenly it doesn't seem so far out of the question. The fact is, there was most likely a time when wine tours seemed to be a far-fetched idea.
Now that the town of Palisade has decided to allow three recreational pot shops in town we just couldn't help but ask the question.
I have lived in the valley long enough to learn that wine and chocolate is a good combination, as is wine and cheese. But, I have to confess, I have no idea if marijuana and wine is a good combination.
Let me be clear. I am not advocating this at all, but if someone smarter than me decides that wine and pot do go good together, can it be long before wine and weed tours are being offered? Can you imagine what it would do to the tourism industry in the Grand Valley?
For one thing, we'd probably have to build more hotels to house all of the tourists.Restaurant business would likely be up because there would be a lot of hungry visitors.
Only time will tell how this unfolds, but you have to believe the city of Grand Junction will be watching what happens in Palisade.
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