Black Friday Special Pet Adoptions This Week In Grand Junction
Retail stores won't be the only ones offering Black Friday specials the day after Thanksgiving.
Roice-Hurst Humane Society is offering some incentive to pet lovers this week with a Black Friday special on pet adoptions. You can adopt a dog, cat, or kitten for just $59 this Friday at Roice-Hurst. Stop by the shelter on Friday between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. at 362 28 Road in Grand Junction. No appointment is necessary.
Let me just say that giving a pet as a gift is generally not a good idea. Pet ownership is a very personal thing and a huge responsibility. I think pet lovers want to pick out their own animal that they feel a connection with -- and at the time that is right for their particular situation. What would be better would be to give some sort of a gift certificate that would allow the recipient to pick out their own pet when the time is right.
Now here's a quick look at this week's featured pets from Roice-Hurst.
Super Smart Dog Enjoys Gentle Love and Snuggles.
Bruce is 2 years old - a big dog with a big heart. He loves to meet new people and new dogs. If you're sitting near him, Brucy may try to crawl up on your lap for love and snuggles. He's a smart dog that loves enrichment activities.
Active Dog Loves People and Loves To Run
Ursa is a 3-year-old who enjoys people and loves to run zoomies as fast as she can. Ursa would be happiest with an active family.

Don't Say No To These Adorable Kittens
Zelda and Mario came to Roice-Hurst as young kittens back in August - and are still waiting for their adopters. They are both sweet kittens who love people and would make great additions to a home.
If you are interested in one of our featured pets or would like more information about pet adoptions and their Black Friday adoption special, visit the Roice-Hurst website. What is better than giving a pet as a gift, is giving a pet the gift of a new home.