If it wasn't so close to Halloween this might not seem nearly as bizarre. One thing for sure, this walking doll looks and walks as if she's a zombie.

This artifact from the 1970s or 1980s is actually a real child's toy. It's said the original purpose of the doll was to help young girls learn how to walk.

That may have been the intent, but it doesn't explain why the makers of this doll gave it such frightening black eyes.

When this doll was manufactured, zombies weren't as well known as today. But the walk, if not zombie-like, is still reminiscent of the classic Frankenstein's monster.

The doll apparently doesn't have the ability to walk by itself. There is a mechanism in the doll's hand that activates motors inside the doll which make it move.

That may be true, but this doll is creepy enough I think it can walk by itself. That would be a great scary Halloween story.


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