We have come to expect athletes to whine. But when it come to the workplace, whiners are a real downer.

They complain about everything and everyone. They are never happy  and are so full of negativity. It’s a real morale killer,  hurts productivity, and it can lead to negative attitudes in those that have to listen to it.

My tolerance for whining is pretty low. I can only take it in small doses before my negativity receptors turn off and go dark. What kicks in is an overwhelming urge just to slap them silent--which certainly is not the best option for dealing with such a person.

In the Wall Street Journal, Sue Shellenbarger offers these 5 tips to deal with complainers.

  1. Change the subject by asking the complainer what's going well.
  2. If you're stuck listening to a grouser, retreat mentally and imagine  yourself in a peaceful setting you enjoy.
  3. Ask the complainer what he or she intends to do about the problem.
  4. Move  your desk or work station farther from incessant grumblers.
  5. In meetings, allot a specific,limited amount of time for co-workers to air their complaints in a constructive context.

    If  you are a work place whiner, think about the affect your words may have on those around you before spewing out a trail of whining negativity. Change your attitude and you might even find that your co-workers' attitude toward you may completely change  to a much brighter light. They are happier - and YOU are happier.

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