Time goes by, and we forget so many of the special moments from our past.. And so today we take a moment to remember some memorable moments from 30 years ago.

(Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images)
(Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images)

1) McDonalds Introduces McNuggets
I don't care what anyone says, and I don't care what they are made of. I love McNuggets. In the past 30 years, I'm pretty sure that hundreds of chicken McNuggets have filtered through my body. What was really cool is that a  year after they were introduced, I was working part-time at the golden arches eating McNuggets for half price.

2)  Final Episode of M*A*S*H
For 11 years we laughed and cried with the 4077, and we would cry one more time as the announcement came that the war was over, and we would have to say goodbye to Hawkeye, Hotlips, Col. Potter and all the gang.

3) Death of Karen Carpenter
One of the brightest stars and talented singers to come on the music scene, and a personal favorite of mine, Karen Carpenter left us way too soon. I remember hearing the announcement on the radio that she had died. It was a sad, sad day.

(Zane Mathews)
(Zane Mathews)

4) Microsoft Word was released
Most of us didn't have a computer yet,  but this development was huge in the computing world. Can you imagine where we would be today with out Microsoft Word?

5)Michael Jackson does the first 'moonwalk'
It's cool to watch and hard to do. After 30 years of practice, I still can't do the moonwalk.

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