20th Annual Rose Hill Rally a Wonderful Success
The 20th annual Rose Hill Rally Bicycle Ride and Walk was a great time for riders and walkers of all ages to get some exercise and enjoy an incredibly beautiful Sunday (May 1).
The weather forecast in the early part of the week was predicting rain, but by Sunday morning, the weather was perfect for a bicycle ride or a walk.
At least 450 riders and walkers took part in the annual event which raises money for the St. Mary's Rose Hill Hospitality House.
The age of the youngest person on the ride is unknown, but there were several toddlers and youngsters either in bike trailers or tag-a-longs traveling with their parents.
The oldest rider was the same man who held the honor last year. Now, 93-years-old, Dave Morrison won the oldest rider award and also a round of applause for participating in all but one Rose Hill Rally in the last 20 years. Note: The year he missed the ride, he was recovering from an ice skating accident.
This was John Hughes first Rose Hill Rally. It was a special challenge as he had recently received an adaptive recumbent bicycle specifically designed to accommodate his disabilities, which really means Hughes now had the ability to complete the 50k ride in 3 hours 15 minutes.
Current organizer, Ed Lipton, also gave special recognition to Jane Foster, who's vision and efforts created the family fitness event that is now in its 20th year. In addition to rider fees, the silent auction raised over $800 to support the efforts of the Rose Hill Hospitality House.