2015 Could Go Down As Hottest Year In Centuries
You may or may not believe in global warming, but 2015 is on the verge of going down as the hottest year in centuries.
According to a report from NOAA, September was the hottest month on record world wide which is making it more likely that 2015 will end up being one of the hottest years in centuries.
September was the fifth consecutive month of record temperatures, and one report indicates that not only will 2015 be the hottest on record - 2016 could be even hotter.
One explanation being offered for the increased temperatures is El Nino, which NOAA says has a 95% chance of extending until Spring of 2016.
Does that mean Western Colorado can expect a mild and warmer-than-normal winter?
The answer is not necessarily. The whole thing is difficult to predict, as weather patterns can sometimes shift unexpectedly. The National Weather Service says it has no forecast tools that indicate above or below normal temperatures for this region over the next three months, so there remains an equal chance that either could end up happening.
As far as precipitation is concerned, the outlook for Western Colorado shows about a 33% chance that this winter will be wetter than normal.
While the Farmers Almanac is predicting a mild winter for Western Colorado, the people who are actually in-the-know about such things are giving it a big fat - maybe!