What Is Your Favorite Natural Grand Valley Landmark to Look At?
One of the cool things about living in the Grand Vally is the awesome scenery no matter which direction you are heading.
Whenever I'm driving across town I can't help but notice Grand Junction's great surroundings. What's really cool is enjoying the sights from different vantage points, depending on your location. Obviously, the closer you get to Palisade, the more prominent the Grand Mesa and Mt. Garfield become. Likewise, as you move toward Fruita, the more likely you are to notice the features of the Colorado National Monument or the Bookcliffs.
Which of these natural features do I enjoy the most? Wow, that is such a tough question, because it really depends on the time of the year. Keep in mind, this discussion is not about which one I enjoy BEING at, but, simply, the one I enjoy seeing the most.
So there you have it - four prominent natural landmarks in the Grand Valley. Which is your favorite one to look at?
Think of it this way, if God said I'm taking three of these away, leaving one behind, which one should it be? Take the poll below and vote for the one Grand Valley natural landmark you wouldn't want to live without.