Will You Be First In Line To Get A COVID Vaccination? [POLL]
The day is drawing nearer when a COVID vaccine will be available.
Governor Jared Polis on Monday expressed the hope that some Coloradans could get vaccinated for COVID-19 by the end of the year, but he said most people won't have the chance to be vaccinated until at least the early months of 2021.
Earlier in the day, Pfizer announced they had a vaccine that was 90% effective in preventing infection from COVID-19. The governor said Colorado might possibly get up to 200,000 doses of the vaccine before the end of the year. The Pfizer vaccine requires two separate doses to be administered to each person.
With the long-awaited COVID-19 vaccine closer than ever, the question now is how many Coloradans will actually receive the vaccine? The other question we are asking is will the pandemic end if enough people get the vaccine?
If you have been following social media at all in recent months, you, perhaps, have noticed there are people who have already made up their minds not to get the vaccine. Some have concerns about the safety of a new vaccine and fears about possible side effects. Those concerns are certainly legitimate. There is always fear of the unknown.
Others don't want to be vaccinated because they see vaccinations - as well as face masks -- as a form of governmental control. These people are also likely to be on the skeptical side of COVID-19 and think it's all overreaction by the government, scientists, and health officials.
There is another group of people who want the vaccine and will be anxious to get it when the time comes, regardless of risk, safety factors, or questions about how effective it will be.
On a personal note, my mind is not made about whether or not I will get the COVID vaccine when it becomes available. I am giving the matter some serious thought - and there's still time to make a choice, but we are definitely getting closer to the day of decision. I'm going into it with an open mind.
So, where are you at in regards to a COVID vaccine? Yes? No? Maybe? I'm not telling anyone they should or shouldn't get the vaccine, but I would encourage everyone to think about it, explore the data, the ramifications, and then make the decision that's best for you and your family.
If you would please, take a quick second to answer the question below and I will share the results in a future post.
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