Tim Tebow to Broadcasting? A Word of Advice
A career in broadcasting may be in the future for Tim Tebow. If that's the case, hopefully he's working on his mechanics.
The NFL Network is reporting that Tebow has hired a broadcast agent to help manage his future endeavors. It could be a sign that Tebow's dream of being an NFL quarterback once again is coming to an end, and that he may be ready to move on to a second career as a broadcaster.
It seems that from the day he was drafted by the Denver Broncos with their #1 pick in the 2010 NFL draft, Tebow has been hounded by experts, analysts, and former players who say he needs to work on his mechanics. And from all accounts, he did work on his mechanics, but apparently more work is needed. That would explain why he has failed to land an NFL job since being released by the New England Patriots prior to the start of the 2013 season.
Like a lot of people, I have a great deal of respect and admiration for Tim Tebow as a person, a Christian, and an athlete. But, one thing that always drove me insane was his inability to communicate anything negative about anyone or anything. He was the eternal optimist - always saying the right thing, no matter how dire the circumstances or how dreadful his performance on the field.
Even when he was abhorrently and disrespectfully treated by the Broncos and the New York Jets, Tebow refused so sling mud or in any way cast a negative light on either organization, regardless of how he must have truly felt inside. I admire that to a point. But, there are times when you have to have an opinion, share it, and not worry so much about being politically correct.
However, if Tebow is going to transition to the broadcast booth or studio, he's going to have to change his approach. We expect commentators and studio analysts to be candid, insightful, and brutally honest. They have to tell it like is, without regard to how fans or players might react to their comments. Tebow needs to work on his speaking mechanics so he can give it to us straight, and accept the fact that if he's going to be successful in his second career, he's going to offend people, whether he wants to or not.
Tim, it's okay to speak the truth.
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