The Fruita Police Department is actively investigating an arson fire in the Snooks Bottom Open Space area south of Fruita.

The investigation has so far determined the fire was started sometime around 10 a.m. on Thursday, March 16 inside an old hollow tree.

snooks bottom fire fruita police department
Courtesy, Fruita Police Department

By 4 p.m. that same day, the fire spread from the Snooks Bottom lake area to the south bank of the Colorado River.

The Fruita Police Department and Crime Stoppers of Mesa County are asking anyone with information that would help the investigation, including the identity and location of the suspects involved, to call Crime Stoppers at 970-241-7867.

Information submitted to Crime Stoppers is anonymous and if the information leads to an arrest, can earn the person who offered that information a cash reward of up to $1,000.

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