Amazing Video of Rare Bobcat Near the Redlands
There's something you don't see every day. Grand Junction resident Mike Anton had a special guest near his home on the Redlands.
How would you like to step out your front door and see a bobcat hanging around? One of the great things about living in Western Colorado would be the abundance of wildlife. This, however, is a bit uncommon.
I grew up towards to the top of Little Park Road, and yet in my lifetime, have seen precisely one bobcat in the area. The only other sighting I've ever experienced was on the Audubon Trail near the Redlands.
KKCO 11 News posted the above video on their official Facebook page. You'll notice the bobcat isn't concerned by the vehicle shadowing it. I witnessed the same thing when I encountered one on the Audubon Trail. The bobcat simply looked at me with a "Hey, what's up?" expression, and then went on its way.
One could make the argument the bobcat isn't trespassing in a Redlands neighborhood, but vice versa. As a matter of fact, comments on the Facebook post appeared within minutes echoing that statement.
Thank you, Mike Anton, for sharing the video.
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