It's always a thrill to spot wildlife on the Colorado National Monument.

How Many Do You See?

I captured these beautiful creatures Sunday morning on my way down from the Easter sunrise service on the monument - and you will be happy to know I was not driving. These are just phone photos so they aren't the greatest, but, let's have some fun and take another look. How many big horns do you see?

Zane Mathews
Zane Mathews

Is It Seven or Is It Eight?

My guess is you are probably seeing seven, and if that's the case, let me encourage you to look again because you can actually see eight in the picture. Scroll back up and take another look.

If you are still struggling to come up with the eighth one, take a look at this next shot and you will see where the eighth one was hiding. If you saw all eight, good for you!

Zane Mathews
Zane Mathews

Upon Closer Look

Ah, that sneaky little buzzard was hidden behind a tree in the upper left corner of the frame. In this blow-up, you can just barely see the horns and his nose sticking out. Did you see it in the big picture?

Zane Mathews
Zane Mathews

Here They All Are, I Think

Just in case you are struggling to see all eight, I'll show exactly where they are in this next shot. Perhaps I'm missing one. Do you think there could be nine?

Zane Mathews
Zane Mathews

Right Spot Right Time On the Monument

Here's the deal. Personally, I think you have to be pretty lucky to spot the big horns on the monument.  You have to be at the right spot at the right time. I have been up to the monument plenty of times without seeing a single thing. In this case, it was about 7:15 in the morning when we saw these beauties enjoying the western Colorado Easter sunrise.

Zane Mathews
Zane Mathews

No matter how many times I see them, I never ever get tired of seeing these amazing creatures in their natural habitat. Every time I see them it's like seeing them for the very first time.

Zane Mathews
Zane Mathews

Be On the Lookout, You Might Get Lucky On the Monument

Next time you are driving on the monument - be on the lookout for wildlife that could be right next to the road. Considering the terrain and the driving conditions, you're likely not traveling super fast - but, still, it's good to pay attention and drive with care. That will help keep you and the wildlife safe- and you might be fortunate enough to spot some wildlife.

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The Centennial State has no shortage of stunning wildlife, from moose to elk to otters and more. We asked you to send in the wildlife pictures you took this year. Read on to see your best Colorado wildlife photos from 2021.

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