Traveling Around the 4th of July? So are 809,999 Other Coloradans
If your Independence Day plans include traveling on or around the 4th of July, you're not alone. There are 810,000 people in Colorado who are doing the same thing. Here's what you can expect.
The number of people leaving home for the Independence Day is expected to be 7% higher than last year and the highest number since AAA Colorado began tracking July 4th travel 18 years ago.
Most Coloradans, about 650,000, will be driving. Since the holiday is in the middle of the week, some people will be traveling either the weekend before or after the actual holiday.
Skyler McKinley, AAA Colorado Spokesman says,
With one of the lowest unemployment rates ever recorded in any state's history, consumer confidence is high. The bottom line: If you've got even a little disposable income in 2018, the odds are good that you're using it to travel.
Still, it's predicted that July 3 will be the worst travel day especially in the afternoon and evening when travelers and people getting off work will be on the state's roadways at the same time.
Denver, because the popularity of I-70 and I-25 for travelers, will be two of the busiest highways and also the worst congestion in the state during the holiday week.
Gasoline prices appear to be stabilizing, but it is highly likely there will be a slight increase the week surrounding the holiday. AAA reports average gas prices are 13 cents lower than Memorial Day but still 60 cents higher compared to a year ago.
Colorado gas prices should average around $2.83 per gallon from the weekend before through the weekend after Independence Day. At last report, Vail had the highest gas price at $3.15 per gallon while Denver was the lowest at $2.75.
Source: AAA Colorado
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