You Won’t Believe How Much a Mesa County Library Card Costs
If you haven't been to the new Mesa County Library, you may be shocked to learn how much a library card costs.
Having a library card is pretty cool because of all the things you can do with it.
- You can borrow materials from any participating Colorado library - and return it to the Mesa County Library
- You can borrow circulating materials from all Mesa County Libraries including books, CDs, DVD's, Blu-Ray, and other audio-visual items
- Have computer access
- Use downloadable materials
But do you know how much all of this is costing you?
The answer is nothing - as in $0. These privileges come your way courtesy of a totally free Mesa County Library Card. If you are like me, you find it very hard to believe that the card is free, but it's absolutely true.
A wise man once said there is no free lunch, but he said nothing about a library card.
A free library card can be obtained by visiting any of the eight Mesa County Library branches, or by applying online.
Those living outside of Colorado are not so fortunate. The fee for a 3-month library card is a nominal $10, or $25 for an entire year.
So, if you haven't gotten your own Mesa County Library card because you thought you couldn't afford it, I'm here to bring you the good news that yes, you can, in fact, afford a free Mesa County library card.
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