Grand Junction Lions Club Carnival and Parade Is Canceled
It sounds like more bad news, but, wait. There's some really good news here.
As we might have expected, the Grand Junction Lions Club annual carnival and parade will not be held this year due to the pandemic. This will be the first time in 90 years the Lions have not done a carnival and parade.
Now, on with the good news. While the annual carnival won't be happening this year, the GJ Lions Club is still giving away thousands of dollars in prizes -- just as they do every year. The way they do that is through the sale of ticket books ranging from $25 to $250. The sale of these ticket books results in thousands of dollars being raised for the GJ Lions Club, which in turn, pours that money back into the community via grants to local non-profit organizations and agencies. The folks that purchase these books have the chance to win thousands of dollars in prizes from local businesses.
Earlier this week, the Grand Junction Lions Club was able to award some $90,000 to 12 local organizations, which is a great testament to the good this group does in our community year in and year out.

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