Memories of My Hometown: A Virtual Visit to Brush, Colorado
We all have memories of the place we grew up and sometimes it's enjoyable to take a stroll down memory lane.
Do you ever think about your hometown and those growing up years? You might have grown up in Grand Junction or Delta, a big city, or some small-town six states away. Regardless of where you've come from, there is something special about hometown memories. My best memories are from a small Colorado town called Brush.
I Wasn't Born There, But It's Definitely My Hometown
I was born in Durango, but only lived there for three years. My family moved to Brush in 1974 and my dad is still there so for more than 45 years it's been the place I call home.
For those that have never had the occasion to travel 90 miles northeast of Denver on Interstate 76, that's where you will find the community of Brush, home of the Brush Beetdiggers. Today the population of Brush is about 5,400 according to the census, but when I was growing up, the population hovered around 4,000. It truly was a nice place to grow up.
What Is That I Smell?
One thing you have to understand about Brush is that it's farm country - cornfields and cattle. And with a sale barn at the edge of town, you always knew when it was sale day if the wind was blowing in the right direction.

It Was A Different World
Things were so different then. We didn't have McDonald's, Wendy's or Walmart less than 10 miles away. That was in the day of no cell phones- and long-distance calls would cost you an arm and a leg. We didn't have computers, smartphones, and only the very beginning of video games, which meant we kept ourselves entertained by getting involved in the church youth group and extracurricular activities at school.
Nothing Ever Stays the Same
In 1982 I went off to college and got married and never lived in Brush again, though my dad has lived in the same house for some 40 years. I travel back there 2-3 times a year for a visit and, my, how things have changed. Old businesses have closed, new businesses have opened, and schools have been shut down or torn down. If I remember right, we had five stoplights back then - maybe 6 - now there are two.
No matter what, one thing remains. Memories. The following tour of Brush, Colorado is highly personal, but I hope you enjoy it and just maybe it will take you back to you some fond childhood memories in your hometown.
Hometown Memories: A Virtual Visit To Brush, Colorado
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