Make Some Extra Cash at the Mom to Mom Sale
As winter approaches, for some moms that means buying new winter clothes for little Johnny because he's outgrown last year's outfits. Of course, come spring, there will be more shopping for new clothes. It gets terribly expensive. But, there is a way to beat the endless cycle of buying and buying new clothes for your kids with Mom to Mom.The Mom-to-Mom sale is coming up on November 9th at the Lincoln Park Barn in Grand Junction. This is where gently used clothes go that have been outgrown by their wearers.
Mom- to- Mom is a great opportunity for sellers to make a little cash that often times goes toward the new clothes they have to buy for their growing child.They seem to go through their clothes so quickly.
And because of this cycle of kids constantly outgrowing their clothes, a lot of moms are anxious to find some gently used clothes at a fraction of the cost of new. Why spend a ton of money on clothes that may only be worn for a few months?
Mom to Mom is more than just clothes. It's also about toys, furniture, cribs, strollers, bouncers, and accessories. You may have items like this that you no longer need, but there's always somebody else that does. So get your booth space reserved at the KOOL Studios at 315 Kennedy Avenue in Grand Junction.