Ladies and Gentlemen, We Have A Masked Majority
I think we finally have a masked majority.
A few days ago I did a video and created a post about the need for people to wear masks when they are out in public to help stop the spread of COVID-19. This came right after Governor Jared Polis announced he was asking all Coloradans to don a mask out in public. The practice of mask-wearing has slowly but steadily gained traction.
The first weekend immediately following the governor's request, participation in Grand Junction seemed to be pretty light. That first Saturday I encountered maybe 15% of shoppers who were wearing masks. The next day, that number seemed slightly larger.
I was at the grocery store this week, and I believe we have now crossed the 50% threshold, with more than half of the shoppers wearing masks and most of the store employees. In fact, we might even be closer to 70% at this point. This is great news and is a great step toward getting back to normal.
I understand that there will always be a contingent of people will never be on board with the mask-wearing movement. Whether they are conspiracy theorists or independent thinkers who aren't about to be told what to do - especially by the government - they will never be one of us. While it would be great to have 100% participation, the best we can hope for is probably a simple majority. I'm not here to debate who is to blame for the virus, or the medical facts of the situation. I just want us all to do what we can.
Sure, wearing a mask is inconvenient and uncomfortable. To be honest, it's a pain in the neck. Sure, a homemade mask may not be 100% fool-proof, but it's hard to argue that a mask of any kind isn't better than no mask at all when it comes to stopping the spread of this virus.
Do I think my rights are being infringed upon because the health department or the governor says wearing a mask is the best way to keep myself safe and to save lives? Heck, no. This isn't about rights, it's about saving lives and about getting our lives and economy back to normal. The more people we can get on board with the mask movement the faster we can get our lives back.
Is wearing a mask the cure-all? Of course, not. But, it's one thing we all can do to help in the effort. It's better than doing nothing at all and just hoping and praying for the best possible outcome with the virus running wild. While it is possible you could spread the virus or get the virus while wearing a mask, it sure will help keep the odds in your favor if you wear one for those occasions when you have to be out in the middle of an unknown public.
My thanks to everyone in the above photo who gave me their photos to show their support. If you haven't already, please, come on over and be a part of the masked majority. Somebody's life - maybe even your own - could depend on it.

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