A group of kids who have lost a law-enforcement parent in the line of duty recently visited Grand Junction.

Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.) is a national non-profit organization that provides resources and support for co-workers and family members who have been affected by an in-the-line-of-duty death.

Employees of the Grand Junction Police Department had the opportunity to spend some time with  with the C.O.P.S Outward Bound Adventure Group that was on it's way to Canyonlands National Park in Utah. The group is comprised of 51 young people, ages 15-20, who have suffered the loss of  a parent in the line of duty. According to the C.O.P.S. website, between 140-160 officers are killed on the job each year.


It's great to see local law enforcement employees reaching out to these young people who have lost a parent. Putting their lives back together and helping them cope with their loss is the goal of C.O.P.S. - which boasts a membership of around 30,000.

Colorado has suffered two police fatalities so far this year, while Texas has suffered the most casualties in the nation with 8 police deaths so far  in 2015.


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