It Sounds Like An Ice Cream Truck But That’s Not Ice Cream!
Just because it looks and sounds like an ice cream truck doesn't mean you're getting ice cream.
This could only happen in Boulder. That's where you'll find the ice cream truck that's driving around selling beer. What do you think of that idea?
Well, it's certainly a creative way to earn a little cash during a time when a lot of folks are struggling to make ends meet because they are out of a job, temporarily unemployed, or have had their hours drastically reduced.
While I'm not sure that selling beer out of what sounds like an ice cream truck is the best idea I've heard today, I will give them credit for the precautions they are taking. You'll notice in the brief video, the driver is masked, gloved, and hands the can of beer is passed off to the customer via some long tongs.
I seriously doubt you'll be finding a beer truck traveling the streets of Grand Junction, but in these unprecedented times, nothing would be a surprise.

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