Is This the Best Way to Enjoy Olathe Sweet Corn?
There are several different ways to enjoy delicious Olathe Sweet Corn, but what is the best way to indulge in these sweet, golden kernels?
Regardless of our political persuasions, there is one thing we can all pretty much agree on and that is the goodness of fresh Olathe sweet corn.
From there, we may quickly be divided when we start to talk about the best way to eat Olathe Sweet Corn.
I have to say that for most of my life I haven't been a big fan of corn on the cob - that is until I moved to western Colorado and discovered Olathe sweet corn. We recently purchased several dozen ears of corn from a road side stand and proceeded to put about 32 quarts of corn in the freezer.
While I'm still not a huge fan of eating corn right off the cob, I absolutely love Olathe sweet corn- especially when it is trimmed off the cob and fried up in a skillet until at least half of it is brown. Cooked in butter with a generous sprinkling of salt, you would be hard-pressed to find a better-tasting cooked vegetable.
But, I also realize there's more than one way to enjoy Olathe sweet corn. Some people absolutely prefer to eat it off the cob slathered in butter and salt. I have seen some people eat off the cob even before cooking it. Others may prefer to cook it on the stovetop with seasoning, while others may prefer to use it as an ingredient in some casserole, stew, or salad.
So, we ask the question - in your mind, what is the best way to prepare Olathe sweet corn? Take our poll below and let us know your feelings about corn.
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