Here Are Grand Junction’s Top Five All Time Favorite Festivals
One thing about Colorado we have a lot of festivals.
Once I got to Grand Junction I realized that there were even more festivals than I knew about and many of them were on the Western Slope.
Trying to choose which festival to attend can be stressful. Seems like there's a festival going on every week.
The following list was put together as the top five festivals after asking listeners on Facebook:
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Fruita Fall Festival
Almost everyone that made a comment for their favorite festival had added the Fruita Fall Festival. I must admit I've never been to this festival before, but I am marking it down on my calendar. It's a must for me this year.
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Olathe Sweet Corn Festival
Some people have told me that not only is their favorite festival the Olathe Sweet Corn Festival, but their favorite food would also be sweet corn with salt and butter. The corn, music, and people are what makes this festival one of the best.
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Colorado Mountain Wine Fest
This is honestly my favorite festival just because I love nice wine and nice people. Last year was my first experience at this wonderful wine fest and it certainly will be a festival I'll look forward to every year. Love it.
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Palisade Peach Festival
Peach heaven. Seriously. The biggest peach contest, peach recipes, peaches, peaches, and more peaches. Truly the best peaches on earth. Not a surprise that this made the top five "Peach Days" are classic and brings such joy to the community.
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Oktober Fest Amped
Nothing like a good German Beer along with the tasty German Food to dance the chicken dance to. An awesome chance to enjoy some of Colorado's finest brews and experiencing what the latest seasonal beers are on tap.