Grand Junction Best Patios to Drink on a Sunny Day
Spring is here and it's time to get outside. The weather's getting right to move the party outside to the patio. Take a look at Grand Junction's best.
These are not in any particular order. Just what I'm told are the best around. I've been to a couple and looking forward to experiencing them all.
I've driven by a few times and have yet to make it. It's on my list.
The food is great. The burgers are the stuff of legend. Great place to dine outside.
I've heard great tings. I hope to get there soon.
This miro-brew is a Junction landmark. Great patios in front and out back.
I love cajun food. I must go.
Did this on St. Patrick's Day. Had a great time!
The pizza is great and the patio very cool.
This by no means is a comprehensive list. I'm sure I've missed a few. The Grand Valley is blessed with beautiful weather and it's starting to get right. Get out and hit a party patio near you!
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