A group of Grand Junction middle school students has raised more than $8,000 for victims of hurricane Harvey.

A student service organization called Eagle Flight Crew set out to raise $4,000, but more than doubled their goal thanks to many generous contributions.

A former teacher at Redlands Middle School, Mrs. Badalamenti, who lives in Galveston, Texas, brought to their attention the needs of four of her co-workers who lost pretty much everything in the hurricane.

Chris Prickett, an 8th-grade history teacher, is the sponsor for the Eagle Flight Crew and rallied students together for a huge fund-raising effort. The goal was to raise $1,000 for each of four teachers in Texas who were greatly affected by the hurricane.

As it turned out, this group of students raised $8,300 to help these teachers in Texas. Hand claps and cheers for Mr. Prickett and these students for their philanthropic efforts. We also should thank everyone who donated to the cause to help make a difference in the lives of people devastated by Mother Nature's fury.

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