Grand Junction Spring Clean Up Coming to a Neighborhood Near You [SCHEDULE]
It is just about that time of the year, spring clean up is coming up. This is a time for the residents in the City of Grand Junction to clean up their yards and get the junk out of their homes and thrown it out in the street. Below is a complete schedule of the City of Grand Junction's annual Spring Clean Up.
North of North Ave.
If you live on the North side of North Avenue, your pick up date is April 15th. You must have the items out on your curb no later than 7 a.m.
South of North Ave.
If you live on the South side of North Avenue, including annexed areas of Orchard Mesa and the Redlands, your pick up date is April 22nd. You must have the items out on your curb no later than 7 a.m.
Tire Removal
On Saturday April 27th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. residents of Grand Junction are encouraged to bring their tires, no more than 4 per household, to the Municipal Service Center at 333 West Ave. for disposal of your tires. You must provide proof of residency in Grand Junction. So please bring a Utility Bill or the Spring Clean Up Flyer that was sent out.
Here are the rules and regulations:
DO NOT put items out in the street prior to April 1st. Any items out before this date are subject to a Notice of Violation and a possible $1,000 fine.
DO NOT put tires out in the street for Spring Clean Up.
For any question or concerns contact the City of Grand Junction by emailing