GJPD vs GJFD in Broomball: Friendly Trash Talking on Facebook
Normally we would expect the Grand Junction Police Department and the Grand Junction Fire Department to be working together on the same team, but this weekend, these two entities will be in direct opposition with one another.
This Saturday will feature the annual charity Broomball Game with the Police Department pitted against their first-responder partners, the Fire Department.
The Glacier Ice Arena on River Road will be the sight of the conflict and the public is invited to come view the melee. All the proceeds from this year's charity event will go to the Deputy Geer Memorial Fund.
The ball drops at 6:30 Saturday night (Feb. 27) and admission is just $3 at the door.
It's going to be a lot of fun - and for a great cause. Take a look at some of the good-natured smack talk happening on Facebook.
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