9 Surprising and Little Known Facts About Grand Junction Parks and Recreation
You might think you know Grand Junction, but here are some little-known facts about the city's fantastic Parks and Recreation Department.
What Does Grand Junction Park and Rec Do?
When you hear Grand Junction Parks and Rec a number of things might come to your mind. Of course, you are going to think about all the parks and that certainly is a big part of what they do, but it is so much more. There are golf courses and swimming pools to manage and maintain along with cemeteries
You might also think about the recreation department which is responsible for providing fun activities for kids and adults 12 months out of the year. The Parks and Rec staff does an amazing job of managing softball leagues, basketball, and volleyball leagues, pickleball, summer camps, and a variety of activities for all ages throughout the year.

20 Miles of Trails in Grand Junction
Did you realize the Parks Department maintains over 598 acres of open space and more than 20 miles of trails within the city limits? Did you know they are responsible for some 37,500 trees in Grand Junction?
A large number of people participate in swimming activities year-round. The number of swim lessons the Parks and Rec Department gives every year is staggering, with more than 30,000 pool visits expected this year.
One of the most popular spring/summer/fall activities in Grand Junction is softball - a lot of people are playing. Have you ever wondered how many softball teams operate in Grand Junction every year?
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